Ed's Index of History

This site is devoted to history. I have pages for every year from year 1 to 2000 and so far have Popes, US Presidents and Kings of England, France, Spain, Russia, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. I've left plenty of room, so if you have something to add, go to the year and click the email link. I'll add your information (and a submitted by if you'd like) to the appropriate year.

I also have a page devoted for each year each catagory and would like to invite anyone to write a small narrative on a year (or years) for one of the 8 countries or Popes. 2000 years, 9 catagories means 18,000 small narratives and I could use the help. If you decide you want to submit one, please go to that year and attach your writing to the e-mail address for that year.

Thank you

Select a Century
1st Century

2nd Century

3rd Century

4th Century

5th Century
6th Century

7th Century

8th Century

9th Century

10th Century
11th Century

12th Century

13th Century

14th Century

15th Century
16th Century

17th Century

18th Century

19th Century

20th Century

If you have anything to add to this page, email me

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Last updated 28 OCT 1998
by Ed Penland